I’m thrilled to be a part of SDI’s (Spiritual Director’s International) online webinar series on making Spiritual Direction part of your life!
Here’s what SDI has to say about the webinar…
This is more than a webinar…
This is an investment in your calling ... and your life.
Last year, the first edition of this webinar series struck a chord that resonated with spiritual companions across the world. That series became the most popular webinar in SDI history.
This year we have 9 new presenters who have all found creative ways to follow a deep, heart-felt calling and pay the rent. Some offer spiritual companionship part-time, some blend services, and some are spiritual entrepreneurs - not only working full-time, but offering other spiritual companions work in their centers of spiritual care.
All of them have made their vocation a part of their lives and their livelihoods.
We'll grant you that it's not easy to make a living as a spiritual companion. But our presenters show that it’s definitely possible. And during our webinar, all our presenters will share their recipes for turning spiritual companionship into a financially sustainable career.
If you are a student of spiritual direction - or you already work in a listening profession - this webinar series is for you.
The series runs over 4 consecutive weeks -- with live sessions each Tuesday from February 12 - March 5. The first three sessions will run 75 minutes each. The last session will run 90 minutes.
But even if that doesn't fit your schedule, please remember: each session is recorded so you can watch at your convenience.