4 Sessions on Thursday mornings from 9:30am to 11am
February 9, 16, March 2, 9
The Enneagram illuminates our True Nature. It offers clear paths of growth to be our best self. It also illuminates ways we live from our false self. This awareness is essential for making positive changes!
As we grow in self-knowledge, we become aware of invitations… invitations to dream big… invitations to love more truly… invitations to let go of old stories and hurts. The process of accepting these invitations is just that – a process. NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practices are tangible tools to help us accept these invitations and make changes.
We will explore and practice making changes in a small group setting (limited to 8 people per group). Using imagery, metaphor, and symbols in simple exercises, we will invite our deeper self, our unconscious, to be our guide. Each meeting will include teaching, meditative centering, and creative exercises – with peer support between meetings. Groups will be held in St. Paul near 94 & Lexington.